Solarean Adventures is an 18+ high fantasy LARP hosted by Lost & Found Studios, LLC just outside of Saint Louis, MO. It is campaign-style, with monthly events that impact the storyline of each of the following games. Most of these storylines focus on the small adventuring town of Evermire, located in the fictional country of Solarea. This LARP strives for medium-to-high immersion, and includes both combat and non-combat character options, as well as lots of roleplay. Game Managers (GMs) write and provide overarching, season-long plotlines, while the vast majority of other conflict and story is player-driven. This LARP offers both Player-versus-Player and cooperative gaming experiences. First-time LARPers are more than welcome; we have loaner gear available to borrow and a new-player module that runs at the beginning of each session to help teach newcomers how to play. Solarean Adventures is medium contact (no grappling, sliding, etc.) and uses injected latex foam or boffer weapons (which must pass a safety check before each game) to engage in a limb-point based combat system. Overnight events offer camping space for players with an onsite bathroom and running water. We also have an online forum for supplemental roleplay in between events for those interested.
Solarean March Event: 6:00PM, 03/24 thru 10:00AM, 03/26 at 6251 Shoal Creek Rd. Bartelso, IL 62218
Solarean April Event: 6:00PM, 04/21 thru 10:00AM, 04/23 at 6251 Shoal Creek Rd. Bartelso, IL 62218
Solarean May Event: 6:00PM, 05/26 thru 10:00AM, 05/29 at 6251 Shoal Creek Rd. Bartelso, IL 62218
Solarean June Event: 6:00PM, 06/23 thru 10:00AM, 06/25 at 6251 Shoal Creek Rd. Bartelso, IL 62218
Solarean July Event: 6:00PM, 07/14 thru 10:00AM, 07/16 at 6251 Shoal Creek Rd. Bartelso, IL 62218
Solarean August Event: 6:00PM, 08/11 thru 10:00AM, 08/13 at 6251 Shoal Creek Rd. Bartelso, IL 62218
Solarean September Event: 6:00PM, 09/01 thru 10:00AM, 09/04 at 6251 Shoal Creek Rd. Bartelso, IL 62218
Solarean October Event – Halloween Festival: 6:00PM, 10/21 thru 10:00AM, 10/23 at 6251 Shoal Creek Rd. Bartelso, IL 62218
Solarean November Event: 6:00PM, 11/10 thru 10:00AM, 11/12 at 6251 Shoal Creek Rd. Bartelso, IL 62218