Gryphon's Perch

Kingdom: The Kingdom of the Rising Winds
Amtgard |

If you would like to play, join our Facebook page here. We will have loaner gear available for you.

Gryphon’s Perch

Gryphon’s Perch is best known for being the seat of the kingdom and home to many players from veterans to newly interested. Situated on the East central side, it is an easy drive for just about any location in the city of Indianapolis. Find us in person, or contact on facebook at Gyphons Perch page!


Location : Paul Ruster Park, 11300 E Prospect St. Indianapolis Indiana 46239
Meeting time: 2 PM EST Sundays
Check facebook for availability or updates

Meeting Time & Place

Paul Ruster Park

Paul Ruster Park, 11300 E Prospect St, Indianapolis, Indiana 46239, USA
Sunday at 2pm

Click For Directions

Orc Wars Fighter Practice