Carthage, also known as the SIU Medieval Combat Club, is the Belegarth realm located on the campus of Southern Illinois University’s Carbondale campus. Carthage practices are open to the public during normal operations, but please contact ahead in case that changes; different administrators over the years have rescinded and reinstated this policy. SIUMC does not meet during the summer months.
605 Agriculture Dr, Carbondale, IL 62901
Time and day vary with semester
Come be a part of the battles in Elmington Park minutes outside of downtown Nashville!
Dur Demarion meets on Sunday at noon, and we fight until dark. The organization is free, and all are welcome, whether it be to watch, talk, or de-stress by smacking someone with a sword.
Pick a spot on the lawn to watch the epic assault or fill out a waiver and jump into the fight!
The Ashlands is a Belegarth realm located through out Middle TN.
The Ashlands hosts two practices as well as day events every two months. (Dog Days in July, The Dead South in October, and Revival in March.)
Dog Town practice, 1:30pm Saturdays @ Rotary park, Rotary park drive Clarksville, TN
Traitor’s End practice Sundays 1:30pm @ Triple creek park 240 champion dr. Gallatin, TN.
Grim’s Keep is a newly founded Belegarth Realm in Columbus, Ohio. We welcome larpers from all games, and we hope you join us at practice and events!
105 Park Dr Columbus,OH 43209
Thursdays 5:30pm-9:00pm EST
For those interested in foam sword fighting, a humble local realm for folks from the San Francisco Bay Area.
Official Fighting Rules available at –
We meet weekly (when there’s not a pandemic) at 7:30pm and run till 10pm. On Mondays, we do a roll call to see who is attending. If there are no folks from San Francisco attending, we hold practice in Oakland. If there are folks coming in from San Francisco, or the San Francisco Peninsula area, we hold practice at Sue Bierman Park in San Francisco, next to the Ferry Building.